Sunday, January 17, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Pre-Flight Check

My flight to Tel Aviv doesn't leave for another twelves hours which means I have roughly five hours to sleep before I leave for Newark after three solid hours of packing. I'll sleep at some point. You could say I'm excited, I mean who wouldn't be? But that real "excitement" feeling doesn't seem like its going to hit until I'm about 35,000 feet over the Med looking at Spain out my left window and Morocco out my right. For now its the last minute mental double-checks. Did I pack this? Did I pack that? How reliable will my Grandma's old bathroom scale turn out to be, showing my three bags at just a hair below the fifty pound limit? Gah, its endless. I should be giving myself a bit of a break from all the stress. I mean, just getting to this point required me to dodge so many bullets it would put Neo to shame. Between my last minute application essay and holding my breath on Christmas Eve waiting for my last final exam grade to be posted, I wasn't sure if I'd sitting in a cold dorm room in Boston shaking my fist at New England winters which seem to never end. No matter. I'm at home, packed for my flight, and writing a blog post when I should be sleeping. This semester will be epic and tomorrow will go just fine... As long as an Asian guy doesn't walk the wrong way through a security gate, that is.

Notes from the Holy Land is the blog I set up to chronicle my life as an American student studying in the Middle East during the Spring of 2010. Check back often for laughs, curiosities, photos you'll wish you were there for, and hummus. Lots and lots of hummus. Also, check out my more local blog: Notes from the B-Line.


Anonymous said...

just saying. I love you. :)

Grace Cordial said...

Have a good time but go easy on the boozing. 1) you're not old enough to drink alcoholic beverages. 2) too much of a good thing is bad. 3) it is always prudent to be in full awareness of what is occuring around you at all times. Motherly advice from gracecordial (which I am sure you will pay as much attention to as my youngest daughter!) Take care.

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